This blog post is from September, 2021.
And if you know what Mon is going through right now (house renovations... new calves) you'd think this was written yesterday!
Happy strolling down memory lane. X
September has been another relatively quiet month on the Olive front. We've finished pruning the trees and mulching the prunings in the rows. The grove is looking very beautiful at the moment. The green grass and perfect blue sky sunny days make the olive grove such a beautiful place to be. Some of the trees have started growing new buds, which will then flower in another month or so.

Our house renovation is still in full swing. As I write this I'm waiting for the team to come and install the stone benchtops in the kitchen. We've not had a working kitchen or laundry for 6 weeks, so we're all a little exhausted from it. The bathrooms start next week, fun times again! I'll show you all some photos once it's finished. We also welcomed another 8 heifer calves to the farm, who will be breeding girls when they're big and strong with 'Tiny' as their man. So cute.
Our gorgeous little darling girl Millie had her 2nd birthday recently. We had a couple of her friends over for a little play date. She had Peppa and Emma cupcakes from Tealicious, which were just delightful, everyone loved them. She's growing into such a beautiful young girl, and she just loves helping us with our farm jobs and just generally being busy. Her last 2 molars are coming through, ever so slowly, so we're hoping once the teeth thing is done and dusted, she'll be able to get on with life.
We're looking forward to October bringing us some more glorious sunny days and hopefully a little more warmth. We've not had much of either as yet, so we're waiting with baited breath. Olives may require irrigation shortly to keep those buds growing strong.
Stay tuned for more exciting product developments on the Romley front, once I have a working test kitchen again!
Here's to sunshine, health and good food.
Mon xxx